What is the difference between cow and buffalo milk, know which one is better for you

In most homes the morning starts with buying milk. Because milk is used in almost all homes. Milk is very beneficial for health. Nutrients are also found in abundance in it. At the same time, the diet of small children in the house is also milk. Vitamin D and calcium are found in milk, which strengthens bones. But often a question arises whether cow’s milk is better or buffalo’s milk is better. Today we will tell you which of the two milks is more beneficial.

Difference between cow and buffalo milk

Let us tell you that the Union Animal Husbandry Ministry has Had shared a figure. According to which cow’s milk is consumed more than buffalo’s. Because cow’s milk has less fat content and its texture is light. For this reason, cow’s milk is consumed more in most of the houses, because it is easy to digest. Whereas buffalo milk is thick. You must have often seen that buffalo milk is used more for making tea or coffee. 

Which milk has more protein

Among all the milks Protein is found in. But buffalo milk contains more protein than cow milk. Cow’s milk contains more water than buffalo’s, hence cow’s milk is thinner. At the same time, more fat is found in buffalo milk than that of cow. Buffalo milk also contains high amounts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Whereas cow’s milk contains more vitamins. The color of cow’s milk is slightly yellowish-white. Whereas buffalo’s milk is creamy white.

Whose milk has so many qualities 

The qualities are found in the milk of both cow and buffalo. For example, per 100 ml of milk, 3.2 grams of protein is found in cow’s milk and 3.6 grams in buffalo’s milk. Similarly, 4.4 grams of fat, 4.9 mg carbohydrates, 118 mg calcium and 4.28 grams lactose are found in cow’s milk. Buffalo milk contains 6.6 grams of fat, 8.3 grams of carbohydrates, 121 mg of calcium and 4.12 grams of lactose.  

Apart from this, let us tell you that buffalo milk has high amounts of beta-lacto globulin and potassium. For this reason, it is considered beneficial for people suffering from blood pressure. Whereas buffalo milk has less cholesterol than cow’s milk, it is considered a better option for diseases like high blood pressure, kidney and fat i.e. obesity. At the same time, cow’s milk has high amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals, which is better for keeping bones strong and heart healthy. If seen in this way, milk of both cow and buffalo is good for health. 


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